Dr. Jørgen Staunstrup, R
Independent advisor at staunstrups and honorary professor at the IT University of Copenhagen

Contact information
Dr. Jørgen Staunstrup
Email: jst@staunstrups.dk
Homepage: www.staunstrups.dk/jst
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/staunstrup/
CV Publications

Short CV
Born in Copenhagen 1952. MSc (Naturvidenskabelig Embedseksamen) from Århus University, Denmark in 1975. Ph. D. in Computer Science from University of Southern California, Los Angeles in 1978. Dr. techn. from The Technical University of Denmark in 1994."Ridder af Dannebrog", September 2010. Honorary professor at the IT University, October 2017.
2017 - Honorary Professor, IT University in Copenhagen
2016 - External lecturer, IT University of Copenhagen
2015 - Independent advisor, staunstrups
2006-15Prorektor/Provost, IT University of Copenhagen
2003-06Head of research, IT University of Copenhagen
2001-02:Deputy Director IT-Brancheforeningen
1999-2001:Head of hydroinformatics department, DHI Water & Environment
1988-99:Full professor, Technical University of Denmark
1978-88:Assistant/Associate professor, Aarhus University

Research leadership
As Provost at the IT University Jørgen Staunstrup had overall responsibility for research including external funding of research, PhD program, industry collaboration and entrepreneruship.

From 2009 to 2013 Jørgen Staunstrup lead the research project Genie: Services in Context where Chinese and Danish researchers collaborated supported by the Danish Strategic Research Foundation. Visions summarized in this paper: Staunstrup, J, et.al., Services in Context, In: Computer Systems & Applications. 2009; Vol. 18, No. 6, June 2009. pages 161-167 Past research
Parallel and Embedded Computing. VLSI design. Hardware/software codesign. Programming languages. Mobile Computing.

University courses: Practical and Concurrent Programming, Coding for High School Teachers (Informatik), Mobile software development. Multiprogramming. Algorithms and data structures. Verification tools and techniques. Program specification. Multiprocessor algorithms. Data bases. Java on Mobile Devices.
Professional courses: Multiprogramming. Java. Concurrency. Environmental Data bases.